Omashu is a Taiwan-based import company. Our company is dedicated to searching the world to bring the highest quality, premium goods to you.
The Garlic Box
Canada's leading premier company of gourmet food products made with select Ontario grown garlic. Farming garlic goodness since 1988. Winner of the Best New Product in Canada Award.
Moss Berry Farm
Moss Berry Farm座落於安大略省南方的中心 Stratford 地區,由 Joe 和 Brede 及其家族創立,自1972年起供應優質、美味的食物。
Located in the heart of southern Ontario, Moss Berry Farm has been in the business of providing great tasting foods since 1972.
Voison's Maple Products
生產優質、經典的加拿大楓糖漿是 Voisin 家族延續多年的傳統,自二〇年代,由 George Voisin 爺爺在安大略省 Formosa 外的一個農場裡開始。
Making maple syrup has been a Voisin Family tradition for a great many years. Grandpa (George) Voisin started the tradition way back in the 1920’s on a farm just outside of Formosa, Ontario.
Seachange Seafoods
SeaChange Seafoods 全系列正宗加拿大美味禮品,包含西海岸煙燻鮭魚和各種海鮮肉醬:精選不列顛哥倫比亞省 Quadra 島上製作的美味佳餚。
SeaChange Seafoods offer a range of authentic Canadian gifts from the sea including West Coast Smoked Salmon and a variety of seafood pâtés - a delicious selection of Canadiana crafted on Quadra Island, British Columbia on Canada's West Coast.
緒康貿易有限公司與加拿大的蒜產品集團 The Garlic Box 奠基於緊密的信任關係。在食安觀念越來越成熟的現代社會,我們很高興能找到如此尊重食物與客人的合作夥伴。我們對我們產品的自信,來自我們對我們產品的了解。 我們不輕易妥協,也希望您能支持我們對食安的堅持。
Omashu Imports exists to provide merchandise of impeccable quality. Established by a husband and wife from Canada and Taiwan, our goal is to find honest, trustworthy suppliers who refuse to compromise on the integrity of what they produce. We believe in what we import, and our suppliers believe in us to expand their reach into new markets around the globe.
Krissy Yang
M: +(886) 989282789
T: +(886) 4 25222019
F: +(886) 4 25281709
Ian Brown
M: +(886) 984096396
T: +(886) 4 25222019
F: +(886) 4 25281709
406-2F Fengyuan Blvd. Sec. 6, Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan R.O.C. 42072
Beautifully built by Dymantic Design